Instruments d'analyse
6 résultats affichés
Analyseur élémentaire COT soli-TOC Cube
Points forts de l'analyseur élémentaire soli-Toc cube
- Des performances analytiques inégalées sont offertes par l'instrument le plus sensible du marché avec une limite de détection (LOD) de 10 ppm ou <15 µg.
- Une préparation simplifiée de l'échantillon grâce à notre technologie avancée de creuset qui réduit les étapes d'homogénéisation fastidieuses
- Un échantillonneur automatique pour un fonctionnement rapide avec 89 positions pour un fonctionnement sécurisé et sans surveillance 24h/24 et 7j/7 avec élimination automatique des cendres
- Une flexibilité de mesure inégalée grâce à différentes possibilités d'analyse et à la détermination facultative de l'azote total (TN)
Analyseur élémentaire enviro-TOC
L'analyseur élémentaire enviro TOC de Elementar est un appareil innovant et tourné vers l'avenir pour l'analyse COT/TNb, personnalisé pour les échantillons environnementaux et eaux usées. Nos analyseurs élémentaires COT basés sur la combustion haute température catalytique offrent des performances remarquables dans les laboratoires d'analyses environnementales et des eaux usées depuis des décennies. L'enviro TOC allie le savoir-faire technique de ses prédécesseurs à des technologies innovantes. L'analyseur élémentaire répond aux besoins de tout laboratoire environnemental et d'eaux usées faisant face à une vaste matrice d'échantillonnage comprenant des solides, des résultats précis et un débit d'échantillonnage élevé.
Points forts de l'analyseur élémentaire enviro TOC de Elementar
- Flexibilité d'échantillon la plus élevée pour les échantillons liquides et solides, ainsi que les échantillons contenant des particules grâce à la combustion haute température puissante à 1200 °C
- Report négligeable et résultats précis grâce à l'échantillonneur automatique avec fonctions de rinçage intégrées
- Débit d'échantillon le plus élevé par l'échantillonneur automatique, les fonctions de rinçage et de mesure parallèles et le logiciel d'instrument lyticOS® facile à utiliser
- Longue durée de vie et faibles coûts de fonctionnement en raison de la séparation de matrice unique SALTTRAP
Holmarc Contact Angle Meter
Holmarc’s Contact angle meter (Mesureur d'angle de contact Model No: HO-IAD-CAM-01BC) is an advanced model that features dynamic contact angle measurements with motorized precise tilting for the substrate holder, dispenser to camera positioning unit (camera can be positioned at different angle for drop imaging), automated dispenser and temperature control. Advancing and receding contact angle can be measured at different angle (Image acquisitions are also automated) and roll-off angle can also be measured.
We are using a sessile drop optical method to find out the contact angle meter but we can incorporate a pendant drop method to find out surface free energy. Additional feature from the Model: HO-IAD-CAM-01A is that this model is equipped with temperature control for the substrate holder (up to 100 degree Celsius from ambient).This proves to be ideal for the study of contact angle variations with respect to temperature. Motorized syringe pump is provided in the equipment for precise dispensing and camera interface for measuring contact angle of liquids on solid surfaces. Video capturing and video image processing features are included in Holmarc Contact angle analysis software.
The surface over which contact angle is to be measured can be rotated through 180 degree from its horizontal position for advancing and receding contact angle by tilt plate method and roll-off angle can also be measured. Three chromatographic syringes with 50 micro litre, 100 micro litre and 250 micro litre capacity are supplied along with the equipment. The wettability of a droplet is also dependent on the substrate in contact with the liquid. We provide three different substrates along with the equipment - made of aluminium, brass and stainless steel. However, the substrate according to customers’ choice can also be loaded into the equipment.
Holmarc Near Normal Spectroscopic Reflectometer
Near Normal Spectroscopic Reflectometer (Réflectomètre spectroscopique proche de la normale) is a fundamental instrument used for thin film thickness analysis for industry & research. Holmarc’s NNSR (Model No: HO-NNSR-02) is able to analyze thin film’s thickness, complex refractive index & surface roughness with high speed & repeatability. NNSR theory works with complex matrix form of Fresnel equations. Absolute reflectance spectroscopy is the principle behind Reflectometer; which is the ratio of the intensity of the reflected light beam (usually polychromatic) to the intensity of the incident beam. Light beam which normally incident on the sample surface in turn reflect from top & bottom of the thin film which get interfered & is directed through optical fiber (Bi-furicated fibre) to CCD attached spectrometer via computer. On the monitor we get spectrogram with interference oscillations directly proportional to thin film thickness.
Holmarc’s Reflectometer can be used to analyze single, multi-layer, free standing & rough layer thickness of various stacks such as dielectric, crystalline, amorphous, metallic & absorbing samples. It also finds absolute transmittance & absorption directly for linear di-electric thin films. Roughness treatment is done with EMA modeling such as linear, Bruggemann & Maxwell garnet approximations. Manual scanning is provided for finding out roughness & uniformity of thin films. Without refractive index or any other optical properties, NNSR is able to find the thickness of thin / thick film & estimate its optical properties.
Holmarc Solar Simulator with IV Measurement System
Holmarc Solar Simulator with IV Measurement System (Simulateur solaire avec système de mesure IV, Model: HO-SC-IV) is integrated with 300W Xenon lamp with housing, optics, power supply and an easy to use software with capability to measure dark and lighted IV characteristics of solar cell. System includes a sample stage, capable of accommodating samples up to 50 mm diameter and probes to contact the sample. Light is normally incident on the sample. Illumination area can be adjusted using lens assembly system.
Holmarc Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometer
Spectroscopic Ellipsometer is a non-contact instrument widely used for thin film analysis and measurements. Holmarc’s Spectroscopic Ellipsometer (Ellipsomètre spectroscopique à angle variable Model HO-SE-01) incorporates Rotating Analyzer Ellipsometry(RAE) technology to characterize thin film samples. It uses a high speed CCD array detector to collect the entire spectrum. It measures films from nanometer thickness up to tens of microns and the optical properties from transparent to absorbing materials. It accurately measures optical constants like refractive index, film thickness and extinction coefficient.
HO-SE-01 model is equipped with a 50W Halogen lamp as the light source. A set of motorized rotatable Glan-Thompson polarizers are used as the Polarizer and the Analyser. A motorized Z stage is provided for the automatic focusing of sample and a manual tilting platform is provided for the sample alignment. A motorized XY stage with 30 mm x 30 mm travel is also provided for positioning the sample for measurement at different locations. An optical fiber with SMA connector is used to couple the reflected light from the sample to the spectrometer.
A user-friendly measurement software is provided for the initial calibration and automatic measurements. An analysis software with advanced mathematical fitting algorithm is provided for the deduction of thickness and optical properties from the measured data..