Contact Angle Meter
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Holmarc Contact Angle Meter
Holmarc’s Contact angle meter (Mesureur d'angle de contact Model No: HO-IAD-CAM-01BC) is an advanced model that features dynamic contact angle measurements with motorized precise tilting for the substrate holder, dispenser to camera positioning unit (camera can be positioned at different angle for drop imaging), automated dispenser and temperature control. Advancing and receding contact angle can be measured at different angle (Image acquisitions are also automated) and roll-off angle can also be measured.
We are using a sessile drop optical method to find out the contact angle meter but we can incorporate a pendant drop method to find out surface free energy. Additional feature from the Model: HO-IAD-CAM-01A is that this model is equipped with temperature control for the substrate holder (up to 100 degree Celsius from ambient).This proves to be ideal for the study of contact angle variations with respect to temperature. Motorized syringe pump is provided in the equipment for precise dispensing and camera interface for measuring contact angle of liquids on solid surfaces. Video capturing and video image processing features are included in Holmarc Contact angle analysis software.
The surface over which contact angle is to be measured can be rotated through 180 degree from its horizontal position for advancing and receding contact angle by tilt plate method and roll-off angle can also be measured. Three chromatographic syringes with 50 micro litre, 100 micro litre and 250 micro litre capacity are supplied along with the equipment. The wettability of a droplet is also dependent on the substrate in contact with the liquid. We provide three different substrates along with the equipment - made of aluminium, brass and stainless steel. However, the substrate according to customers’ choice can also be loaded into the equipment.