2 résultats affichés
Holmarc Fluorescence Spectrometer
Holmarc's fluorescence spectrometer (Spectromètre à fluorescence model HO-SP-FRS-215Xe) is manufactured for advanced material research as well as for routine biochemical analysis. The instrument incorporates latest designs and techniques in all its eight modules namely source, entrance slit, excitation monochromator, sample chamber, emission monochromator, detector, control electronics and software.
Holmarc Laser Raman Spectrometer
Holmarc’s Laser Raman Spectrometer (Spectromètre laser RAMAN Model No:HO-EDS-06) is a useful instrument for the identification of wide range of substances in physics and chemistry laboratories. The procedure followed in this equipment is illuminating a sample with DPSS green laser and using a monochromator to examine the light scattered by the sample. It is a straight forward, non destructive technique requiring no sample preparation.
This spectrometer is designed for recording raman emissions from solids as well as liquids when a laser beam is passed through the sample. The apparatus suits Chemistry as well as Physics labs for characterizing materials by recording raman emissions. The set up consists of 40mW DPSS laser (532 nm), collection optics, sample mount, stages, monochromator and detector.