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Linseis Dilatomètre L76 Platinum Series


Céramique / verre / matériaux de construction


Céramique, matériaux de construction et industrie du verre, Recherche & Développement, Développement Académique

Échantillon de verre, point de ramollissement

L’échantillon de verre a été mesuré avec le dispositif de détection du ramollissement. Dans ce cas, la rampe de chauffage s’arrête, soit si la température de consigne est atteinte ou si le rétrécissement de l’échantillon atteint un seuil donné. Dans l’essai, le seuil a été fixé à – 100 um. Lorsque la variation de la longueur mesurée tombe en dessous de 100 pm de la valeur maximale du segment en cours, le chauffage est arrêté et le segment suivant (refroidissement) sera traité. Donc, le point de ramollissement peut être détecté dans une procédure simple et sans danger pour l’appareil.

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Dilatometry is a technique which measures the dimensional change of a substance as a function of temperature while the substance is subjected to a controlled temperature program. Many international norms such as DIN 51045, ASTM E831, ASTM E 228 and ASTM D 3386 describe this technique and the exact procedures in detail.
LINSEIS Dilatometers L76, L75H, and L75V provide a powerful tool for the determination of the thermal expansion and expansion coeffi cient (CTE). Further application examples are the evaluation of sintering processes of ceramics, metals and powder metals, the dimensional changes during chemical reactions (Oxidation) and phase changes of solid materials. As a unique feature LINSEIS offers its range of Dilatometers either in horizontal or vertical mode of operation to provide the perfect solution for every application and budget.

Dilatometers are typically used in:
• Glass industry
• Ceramics industry
• Sintering of high tech ceramics
• Aerospace industry
• Metal/powder industry
• New material research
• Automotive industry
• Polymer industry

Dilatometers are frequently used for R&D and Quality Control of solids, liquids, powders and pastes to determine their:
• Linear thermal expansion (ΔL)
• Sinter-temperatures and sintersteps
• Determination of glass transition (Tg)
• Phase changes
• Optimization of burning processes
• Determination of thermal expansion coefficient (CTE)

• Volume changes
• Rate controlled sintering (RCS)
The entire range of LINSEIS Dilatometers enables the perfect choice for any application. LINSEIS L75 series are available in horizontal as well as vertical (Zero – Friction) mode of operation. It offers a broad temperature range, many
different sample holders, operation in vacuum or a controlled oxidizing or reducing atmosphere, while maintaining the highest accuracy and ease of use.
The L76 Series was especially developed for quality control and educational purposes. It is an easy to use single push rod model, which does not offer vacuum. Nevertheless for most basic applications it is the perfect solution at an affordable price.